
What is a Sober Coach and Why Are They Essential for lasting Recovery?

September 23, 2024

Woman feeling coached and positive!

Sobriety coaching is on the rise, and for good reason.  Many people struggle with the use of alcohol, substances, or both, and often feel trapped in the cycle. Some people are stuck for years if not decades.  Others seek to get the help they need sooner and have quicker success when working with a sober coach. Having a support system in place can help a great deal and make the difference between success and failure.

The role of the coach is to help you to overcome your problematic drinking, or substance use, and offer support in the areas of your life that you need it most.  They can offer valuable insight if they are also working as a sober mentor, which is based on their personal experience in sobriety.  The sober coaching process will involve a lot of “unpacking” of old stories, and patterns and help to build awareness of what is really going on for you.  From there, you can create new truths that are authentic to you and map out a plan to build a future that doesn’t involve the use of alcohol or substances.  

A sober coach is a life coach, who specializes in the area of living an alcohol-free life, or sobriety.  Generally, a sober coach is someone sober as well.  The coach will ask you questions about your life, your drinking habits, and more, and provide a framework for guiding you on the path to success.

The coach will put the focus on the here and now, and the plans for the future.  The coach will not spend a lot of time asking questions about your past, and the effects of your childhood or more in your sessions.  If you feel you have healing to do in those areas, a therapist or counselor may be a good fit.  Some people will hire both a coach and a counselor to work with them at the same time.  

If you are in a more serious situation with your drinking or substance abuse, you may want to consider a rehabilitation center as your first step and work with treatment professionals before you attempt to seek coaching.

Coaching is best suited for individuals who are ready, willing, and physically able to be sober, but are just needing some help with their footing, so to speak.  It is also a good fit for someone who is already sober, but not yet “doing the work” to create lasting change.  Many people land here and end up falling off and on the wagon until this work is done.

Knowing what you need in terms of support is the first step in determining which type of program you will want to join.  

If sober coaching is for you, you can expect to work with someone who is committed to your success.  Here are some of the ways a sober coach can support you on your journey:

The Role of a Sober Coach

Accountability Partner:

Your coach will not set your goals for you, but they will support you in choosing them, and following up on your progress as you move forward in your sessions.  They will check in with you at the start of each session on what you were working on and learn how things are going for you.  This creates accountability and usually results in great success over time.

Emotional Support:

Your coach will ask you a series of questions during a session and will be there to provide a safe space for you to share your feelings.  This is so helpful in sobriety, as often we need to unload quite a bit, and need a non-judgmental space and person to be able to do that.  This can help to reduce your stress, anxiety, and emotional state in sobriety.  You should feel confident, capable, and ready to tackle your week ahead after a session with your coach.

Real-Time Guidance:

Since you will be sharing with your coach what is happening in your daily life, and meeting on a regular basis, real-time guidance should be expected in your sessions.  This will help with your triggers, decision making, and real-life situations.  This is really helpful especially in early sobriety, as you learn to navigate things like, social settings, holidays, boundaries with people and work stress.

Building a Healthy Routine:

Your sober coach will understand the importance of healthy habits and routines and will work with you to create a plan to add these into your life, in a way that works for you.  Oftentimes, we try to do this on our own and fail because we are adding in too much at once, or not seeing the value in habits that are instrumental to success.  Your coach will help you to set healthy and achievable goals and add more in as needed, over some time.

Personalizing the Journey:

As each person is unique, so is their coaching journey.  You and your coach may work on what is coming up in your life as you live it, but you will also be working on short- and long-term goals and understanding your personal patterns in your life.  You can expect that your coaching process is as unique as a fingerprint, no two journeys will look exactly the same.

Bridging the Gap Between Treatment and Life:

Many people get out of treatment facilities and struggle in their daily lives, and coaching can be a great response to that.  Working with someone to bridge the gap can make the difference between relapsing, or not. You will want to find a coach who understands the substances you were using and is comfortable and capable of working with you.  

Preventing Relapse:

Working with a coach can help you prevent a relapse.  Talking through your emotions can be highly effective and is often what is needed in recovering from alcohol and substances.  Maintaining a regular schedule with your coach can keep you on track and allow you to have a continuous dialogue going.  Weekly appointments for you first year are ideal.

Offering Long-Term Support:

Your coach is there for you, as long as you need them.  A typical coaching agreement will last anywhere from 3, 6, 9 -12 months.  In sobriety, the first year is the hardest to achieve, with the first 6 months being the most challenging.  Create a plan with your coach that will ensure that you get the support that you need.

Creating a Safe, Judgment -Free Space:

Your coach is a judgement-free zone!  Chances are, they have been where you are, sometimes worse.  They do not make judgements on their clients, they are there to provide you with encouragement, support and guidance.  This is your space to share your truth, and truly be open and honest.  It’s a beautiful thing.

Holistic Approach to Sobriety:

You will benefit in all aspects of your life in sobriety coaching.  You will talk about all of it and make changes to the areas you need the most.  Some people need to put the focus on family issues, and others may struggle in their work environment.  Coaching is unique to your life, and a holistic approach is the way to do this.

If you are considering a sober coach, most coaches offer a free discovery session so you can meet them before you sign a contract.  If you are looking for one-to-one support or group coaching, The Cheat Code Academy might be the perfect place for you.

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