Find Freedom in your sobriety

about angela dinnell

My life has been a combination of events that have led me here, to this important and grace-filled work.  

My name is Angela Dinnell, and if this is your first time here, welcome. 
I have a story like you in some ways.

former Substance Use Disorder


jay shetty certified life coach

Change your habits, change your life

- Angela Dinnell, The Cheat Code Academy Founder

discover the sobriety program designed to to change your life for good

"The More I Work With Angela,  I Learn to Love Myself"

I understand the challenges that women face in life and why many of us lean into using all kinds of vices and struggle with substance abuse. We can be mothers, wives, business owners, corporate professionals and more and still be struggling in silence with addictions. I have overcome much adversity in my life, along with much success. It is possible to have the two co-exist.

My role in coaching is to help you step out of that darkness and into pure light. As a mother to four, a wife to a fabulous sober husband and a former realtor turned Jay Shetty life coach, I get it. I've been there, and I can show you the way.

transform your life today

My story

Leading a life of passion and purpose is what has led me here to this beautiful and 
transformational work.

Much of my childhood, adolescence and early adulthood was dark, I endured much 
trauma in those stages of my life. I have a long history with substance abuse 
issues, because of the events taking place in my life. Up until the age of 40, I hadn’t done much about it, and I felt like I didn’t really know who I was or know how to love myself yet.  The weight of that became too much for me to carry any longer.

The search for self is a long and windy road for most, and the most impactful thing 
I did to help myself in that process was getting sober.  I left alcohol, and all other 
dopamine igniting substances in my past.  I found true peace and clarity, and from 
there I was able to create a life that I don’t need a vacation from.  I adjusted all of 
my lifestyle habits, including how I spend my time, money, and energy.  I focus on 
what I consume, both with nutrition and external distractions.  I practice gratitude, 
and I focus on what I want to create and how I want to impact others.  I came to not 
only know who I am, but also learned how to love myself wholly.  A total acceptance 
of self.

I walked away from a successful career in real estate to become a Jay Shetty 
certified coach and joined his mission to impact one billion lives.  I understand how 
delicate and important early sobriety is in regard to making lasting change, and that
is why I created the Cheat Code Academy.  The purpose is to support individuals in 
making a positive and full recovery and to live a life beyond their wildest dreams.
Welcome, I am so happy you are here.

- Angela Dinnell


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See How We’ve Helped Others

We are proud to have supported many people in early sobriety to take ownership and build a life they love.


I have been working with Angela for 3 months. She helps me break through barriers and become the best me. Angela is non-judgmental and provides great accountability… She reminds me change doesn’t happen overnight. She is articulate, a great listener, and insightful. I know the possibilities are endless with her support. I definitely recommend Angela as a coach.


Angela Dinnell has been a pivotal force in my journey to sobriety. Her guidance has inspired me to find new ways to stay committed, and her honesty and openness created a safe, shame-free space. Angela's support has made me feel free and unafraid to seek help. Thanks to her, I’m happily continuing my journey every day. Thank you, Angela!


Working with Angela has been an absolute blessing. She has opened me up to trusting my intuition on a whole new level and guided me to live with more intention and focus. Angela's ability to see my blind spots and empower my mindset has been transformative. If you’re looking for a coach to unlock your inner power, look no further!


I have been working with Angela for 3 months. She helps me break through barriers and become the best me. Angela is non-judgmental and provides great accountability… She reminds me change doesn’t happen overnight. She is articulate, a great listener, and insightful. I know the possibilities are endless with her support. I definitely recommend Angela as a coach.


Working with Angela has been an absolute blessing. She has opened me up to trusting my intuition on a whole new level and guided me to live with more intention and focus. Angela's ability to see my blind spots and empower my mindset has been transformative. If you’re looking for a coach to unlock your inner power, look no further!


Angela Dinnell has been a pivotal force in my journey to sobriety. Her guidance has inspired me to find new ways to stay committed, and her honesty and openness created a safe, shame-free space. Angela's support has made me feel free and unafraid to seek help. Thanks to her, I’m happily continuing my journey every day. Thank you, Angela!


Working with Angela has been an absolute blessing. She has opened me up to trusting my intuition on a whole new level and guided me to live with more intention and focus. Angela's ability to see my blind spots and empower my mindset has been transformative. If you’re looking for a coach to unlock your inner power, look no further!


Angela Dinnell has been a pivotal force in my journey to sobriety. Her guidance has inspired me to find new ways to stay committed, and her honesty and openness created a safe, shame-free space. Angela's support has made me feel free and unafraid to seek help. Thanks to her, I’m happily continuing my journey every day. Thank you, Angela!


I have been working with Angela for 3 months. She helps me break through barriers and become the best me. Angela is non-judgmental and provides great accountability… She reminds me change doesn’t happen overnight. She is articulate, a great listener, and insightful. I know the possibilities are endless with her support. I definitely recommend Angela as a coach.


Angela Dinnell has been a pivotal force in my journey to sobriety. Her guidance has inspired me to find new ways to stay committed, and her honesty and openness created a safe, shame-free space. Angela's support has made me feel free and unafraid to seek help. Thanks to her, I’m happily continuing my journey every day. Thank you, Angela!


I have been working with Angela for 3 months. She helps me break through barriers and become the best me. Angela is non-judgmental and provides great accountability… She reminds me change doesn’t happen overnight. She is articulate, a great listener, and insightful. I know the possibilities are endless with her support. I definitely recommend Angela as a coach.


Working with Angela has been an absolute blessing. She has opened me up to trusting my intuition on a whole new level and guided me to live with more intention and focus. Angela's ability to see my blind spots and empower my mindset has been transformative. If you’re looking for a coach to unlock your inner power, look no further!