“Am I an Alcoholic?”
Know the Signs & Find the Solution.

Recognizing a problem is the first step to solving it. 

Take Our “Am I an Alcoholic Quiz” to find out if you/a loved one may have alcohol dependency.

This quiz is a self-assessment based on the AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test), a widely used alcohol screening tool. Results are not a diagnosis. Use this quiz as a benchmark for your drinking habits. For a proper diagnosis and full evaluation, please consult your primary care physician.

Question 1 of 12

How often do you have an alcoholic drink?

Question 2 of 12

How many drinks containing alcohol do you have on a typical day when you are drinking?

Question 3 of 12

How often do you have six or more drinks on one occasion?

Question 4 of 12

How often during the last year have you found that you were not able to stop drinking once you had started?

Question 5 of 12

How often during the last year have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of drinking?

Question 6 of 12

How often during the last year have you needed a drink in the morning to get yourself going after a heavy drinking session?

Question 7 of 12

How often during the last year have you had a feeling of guilt or remorse after drinking?

Question 8 of 12

How often during the last year have you been unable to remember what happened the night before because you had been drinking?

Question 9 of 12

Have you or someone else been injured as a result of your drinking?

Question 10 of 12

Has a relative, friend, doctor, or other health care worker been concerned about your drinking or suggested you cut down?

Question 11 of 12

Please Select Your Age Group

Question 12 of 12

Gender Identity (Select any that apply)

Quiz Results

virtually no symptoms

Your answers suggest that you may not have significant issues with alcohol. However, it's always good to be mindful of your drinking habits.

Quiz Results

low chance you're an alcoholic

Your drinking habits show some minor risks. Consider monitoring your alcohol consumption and seeking advice if needed.

Quiz Results

moderate chance you’re an alcoholic

Your responses indicate a moderate risk of alcohol dependency. Reflect on your drinking patterns and think about consulting a professional.

Quiz Results

high chance you’re an alcoholic

Your answers suggest a high chance of alcohol dependency. It's important to seek help and explore resources for managing your drinking.

Quiz Results

very high chance you’re an alcoholic

Your responses indicate a very high risk of alcohol dependency. We strongly recommend seeking professional assistance immediately.

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don’t wait for rock bottom

Don't wait for rock bottom. Be proactive, and take the first step towards lasting change. Book a free discovery call now, and regain control of your life!

am i an alcoholic FAQ

Drinking alcohol daily poses significant health risks.

 An occasional drink after dinner in the evening is generally okay, but the pattern of feeling the need to drink daily may signal a dependency. 

It is important to be mindful of alcohol consumption habits and seek help if needed.

A person with alcohol use disorder (an alcoholic) has a physical and psychological dependence on alcohol. They can't function normally without it and can experience withdrawal symptoms. This dependency affects work, hobbies, relationships, and other areas of life. 

Being drunk, on the other hand, simply refers to having too much alcohol in one sitting, but does not necessarily imply a dependency.

Drinking alcohol in excess can cause a range of physical symptoms, including:

  • Low energy and fatigue
  • Loss of appetite
  • Skin changes
  • Stomach problems (heartburn, nausea, vomiting)
  • Unexpected weight gain
  • Tingling or numbness in feet, hands, or legs.

For men and women, consuming 1-2+ standard drinks per day is a heavy drinker according to the NIAAA.

This varies a lot for men and women.

Women: 8+ drinks a week 

Men:  15+ a week 

Binge drinking is defined as consuming 4-5+ drinks per sitting. A heavy drinker is someone who does this 5+ days per month.

See How We’ve Helped Others

We are proud to have supported many people in early sobriety to take ownership and build a life they love.


Angela Dinnell has been a pivotal force in my journey to sobriety. Her guidance has inspired me to find new ways to stay committed, and her honesty and openness created a safe, shame-free space. Angela's support has made me feel free and unafraid to seek help. Thanks to her, I’m happily continuing my journey every day. Thank you, Angela!


Working with Angela has been an absolute blessing. She has opened me up to trusting my intuition on a whole new level and guided me to live with more intention and focus. Angela's ability to see my blind spots and empower my mindset has been transformative. If you’re looking for a coach to unlock your inner power, look no further!


I have been working with Angela for 3 months. She helps me break through barriers and become the best me. Angela is non-judgmental and provides great accountability… She reminds me change doesn’t happen overnight. She is articulate, a great listener, and insightful. I know the possibilities are endless with her support. I definitely recommend Angela as a coach.


I have been working with Angela for 3 months. She helps me break through barriers and become the best me. Angela is non-judgmental and provides great accountability… She reminds me change doesn’t happen overnight. She is articulate, a great listener, and insightful. I know the possibilities are endless with her support. I definitely recommend Angela as a coach.


Working with Angela has been an absolute blessing. She has opened me up to trusting my intuition on a whole new level and guided me to live with more intention and focus. Angela's ability to see my blind spots and empower my mindset has been transformative. If you’re looking for a coach to unlock your inner power, look no further!


Angela Dinnell has been a pivotal force in my journey to sobriety. Her guidance has inspired me to find new ways to stay committed, and her honesty and openness created a safe, shame-free space. Angela's support has made me feel free and unafraid to seek help. Thanks to her, I’m happily continuing my journey every day. Thank you, Angela!


I have been working with Angela for 3 months. She helps me break through barriers and become the best me. Angela is non-judgmental and provides great accountability… She reminds me change doesn’t happen overnight. She is articulate, a great listener, and insightful. I know the possibilities are endless with her support. I definitely recommend Angela as a coach.


Working with Angela has been an absolute blessing. She has opened me up to trusting my intuition on a whole new level and guided me to live with more intention and focus. Angela's ability to see my blind spots and empower my mindset has been transformative. If you’re looking for a coach to unlock your inner power, look no further!


Angela Dinnell has been a pivotal force in my journey to sobriety. Her guidance has inspired me to find new ways to stay committed, and her honesty and openness created a safe, shame-free space. Angela's support has made me feel free and unafraid to seek help. Thanks to her, I’m happily continuing my journey every day. Thank you, Angela!


Angela Dinnell has been a pivotal force in my journey to sobriety. Her guidance has inspired me to find new ways to stay committed, and her honesty and openness created a safe, shame-free space. Angela's support has made me feel free and unafraid to seek help. Thanks to her, I’m happily continuing my journey every day. Thank you, Angela!


I have been working with Angela for 3 months. She helps me break through barriers and become the best me. Angela is non-judgmental and provides great accountability… She reminds me change doesn’t happen overnight. She is articulate, a great listener, and insightful. I know the possibilities are endless with her support. I definitely recommend Angela as a coach.


Working with Angela has been an absolute blessing. She has opened me up to trusting my intuition on a whole new level and guided me to live with more intention and focus. Angela's ability to see my blind spots and empower my mindset has been transformative. If you’re looking for a coach to unlock your inner power, look no further!