
Alcohol Group Coaching: The Power of Healing Together

September 23, 2024

group together holding hands

They say if you want to go fast, go alone.  If you want to go far, go together.  This is true in life and recovery.  Alcohol and substance abuse group coaching is an excellent way to support you in your sobriety.

What is alcohol and substance abuse group coaching?  Well, it’s exactly what it sounds like—coming together as a group, with a certified coach, to discuss the challenges you face in sobriety and create action steps to overcome them.  A safe space to celebrate the wins, the losses, and everything in between.  

Having a community of like-minded people is instrumental in your long-term success in sobriety.  Having both the ability to learn from things you share in the group and being able to benefit from listening and supporting others in their struggles will help you to grow farther along in your sobriety.

Every group coaching program will look a little different and will be based on what the coach has created as a structure.  Some may be very structured, and some may be open and allow for whatever comes up to come up that day.  The Cheat Code Academy offers themed group coaching sessions, so you will know the topic of the session before logging on.  

Group coaching is not the same as 12-step programs, such as AA or NA.  Coaching is led by a certified coach, versus others in the community of sobriety.

Some of the benefits you can expect in group coaching are:

Emotional Support and shared experiences:

This helps you to understand you are not alone, and you can also learn from others' experiences.


Peer support promotes responsibility and progress in recovery.  People are often more likely to succeed if they feel they have to take responsibility for their actions.  Having a group to come to and share what's been going on is extremely helpful in creating accountability.  People love to share wins and are reluctant to want to share the losses.  

Practical Advice:

Learn from others on what works, and what doesn’t.  Trial and error on your own takes longer and is often frustrating.  In alcohol and substance abuse group coaching, you will be in with a group of people who are all in different stages of sobriety.  This is particularly useful to the newer members who are seeking advice.

Building Connections:

Form long-lasting, positive relationships that aid in recovery.  Having a community in sobriety is crucial in sobriety.  Many people struggle to find these connections in the outside world, and they are an invaluable component of a happily sober person.

If you are considering joining group coaching to assist you in becoming or staying sober, you will want to consider a few things.  Are you someone who aligns with the group you are looking to join?  Do you have the same goals and time commitment, and are open to sharing and giving back to the group?  

If you feel like you do not meet the criteria, perhaps a one-to-one setting might be a better fit.  It is based on the preference of the individual to assess where they feel most comfortable.  

Private coaching is also an option, where you would meet with the coach and discuss your life and challenges only.  You would create goals and an action plan based on your needs, and meet on a reoccurring basis, agreed upon by you and the coach.   If you are someone who needs a great deal of personal support, accountability or face many challenges, this would be the route for you to consider first.

Group coaching works differently, you will meet the group based on the schedule that the coach determines is the best fit for the majority.  Group coaching may offer multiple sessions per week, and you have the option to join in as many calls as you like.  The time is shared amongst the group, so you will not be able share multiple challenges on any one call.

When choosing a group coaching program, you will want to determine what is important to you, and search for a group based on your selected criteria.  You will want to look at what the program is based on, what the values are and if the schedule works for you.  Some groups will allow for mixed gender, and some may be men only or women only.

Group coaching is primarily offered online, so an online search would be the best method for finding groups to consider.  

Group coaching for early sobriety is highly recommended if you are someone who struggles with keeping your commitment to being alcohol free.  If you find yourself on the rollercoaster of quitting and starting, and just want to make a permanent transition into sobriety, finding a group that meets your needs will benefit you greatly.

The Cheat Code Academy offers both group coaching and one-to-one coaching for women and meets multiple times per week.  It also offers a self-guided video coaching component with 24-hour access, to support you in your first year of sobriety.

Visit the website for more info:

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