
Mastering Recovery with Alcohol Coaching: Effective Strategies and Support

September 17, 2024

Alcohol coaching is growing popular, and for good reason.  But what exactly is it, and how does it help the individual stop drinking?  In this article, you will learn what alcohol, or sobriety coaching is, and who is an ideal candidate for it.

What is alcohol coaching?  It is essentially private, or group coaching centered around the specific topic of your alcohol use, becoming aware of your patterns, learning how to overcome your roadblocks, and creating a road map to success in achieving your goal around alcohol.   Most people who seek out this method are looking to stop drinking altogether, and often, the coach they would seek out is sober themselves.  Choosing a coach that you connect with is essential in the process of coaching.  Do your research and ensure you are working with a coach you feel comfortable with.  

Coaching is a process that focuses heavily on awareness building.  The coach will follow your lead and ask questions to help you expand your thoughts in the area that you are discussing.  The coaching process honors the belief that the individual seeking support is whole, capable, and resourceful, empowering the individual to take control of their life, without the assistance of specific direction from the coach.  The coach will focus on the here and now, and this differs from other forms of therapy, such as counseling or visiting a therapist.  The methods that they use will be different, and they may garner different results.  It is important to choose the method that works best for your life, past experiences, and the type of support you desire.

So, what are the benefits of personalized alcohol coaching?  You can expect to receive coaching based on exactly what you are currently dealing with in your life.  You will also benefit from accountability, as you will create a plan that you will follow on your own and have tailored strategies to accomplish your goals.  Meeting with your coach once a week is ideal, this gives you time to mentally absorb your conversation, and put your strategies into action.  Changes in your life will start to occur, as your mindset begins to shift.  Having ongoing support in this focus area will benefit you greatly.

Key Strategies in Alcohol Coaching:

Setting achievable goals:  

Together with your coach, you will determine mini goals throughout your coaching program that you will be able to meet and maintain.  This process will help you to feel confident in your ability to reach even larger goals in the future.  You will have a chance to review the goals at your subsequent sessions, and make any changes needed along the way to ensure your success.

Developing a Personalized Plan:

Together with your coach, you will create a personalized plan based on your lifestyle, your needs, and your challenges.  This is why one-on-one coaching is so effective.  You will be discussing your unique situation and creating an action plan suitable for you.

Building Coping Skills:

Once you have determined where your triggers are, you can begin to understand what needs to happen and when.  Building skills to cope with the challenges of your life will be an integral part of your success.  There are many options for ways to handle triggers, but they won't all work for everyone.  Understanding what works for you, can be achieved through trial and error, and will be determined based on your lifestyle.  

Regular Progress Reviews:

Meeting with your coach regularly, every week allows you to review your progress and continue to make changes in your life.  The length of your coaching agreement will be determined between you and your coach, based on your needs.  Many people will enter into a coaching agreement for a period of 3, 6, 9, or 12 months.  This gives you plenty of time to meet and assess progress, and course correct along the way, if need be.  The first year of sobriety can be the most challenging for some and having that personalized support can be beneficial.  

The Role of Support Systems in Recovery:

Having a strong support system is very beneficial in sobriety.  Surrounding yourself with friends, family and others from the sober community who support you in your recovery is ideal.  Group coaching is very effective in providing this support system, because you are sharing and learning from the group.   In a group coaching session, the coach will facilitate the conversation by bringing a topic and encourage the participants to share based on their personal experiences.  This method can be very rewarding, and can also help the group, in a shorter time span.  Group learning is ideal for those that need support in the areas of positivity, ideas, and community building.  If you require more personalized support, one-on-one coaching would be an ideal place to start.  

The Cheat Code Academy offers both one-on-one coaching and group program options for women struggling with sobriety.    Visit the website for more information: www.thecheatcode. academy for more information.

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